Headache Treatment Hoppers Crossing
Headaches are one of the most common health-related conditions in Australia, according to the Victorian Government’s Better Health website around 15% of Australians take pain-relieving medication for a headache at any given time. That is over 4 million of us.
Because headaches are so common, most people think getting a headache is a normal part of life. Although it may be easy to take certain medication to mask the pain, if you’re a constant sufferer it could be time to try something new.
If you are one of the millions of Australians looking for treatment support with your headache, why not Consider a Chiro.
Every Australian has suffered through a headache of some variety, some can be bought on through lifestyle related issues, such as poor diet, stress, muscle tension, lack of sleep and exercise.
There are various types of headaches and causes. Cervicogenic headaches are common, and they can originate from dysfunction and stiffness of the cervical spine and muscles. Headaches can cause pain in different parts of the head and poor posture, and stress are also closely associated with these types of headaches. Migraines and tension type headaches are also common presentations and may respond beneficially with Chiropractic care.
Chiropractors use specific, gentle spinal adjustments that may help alleviate headaches and can also provide lifestyle advice on helping to prevent their reoccurrence.
After performing an assessment of your spinal joints, a chiropractor, with the help of spinal manipulation, exercises, and soft tissue therapy, aims to restore the proper functioning of your spinal joints and muscles. This in turn may reduce the dysfunction, helping to relieve the headache and any pain associated with it.
Chiropractors are trained to assess, diagnose and manage headaches, however in some cases referral and co-management may be the most appropriate course of treatment.
We will first carefully analyse key areas and conduct an in-depth assessment to understand the possible cause behind your headache. Following the diagnosis, a suitable and fully-tailored treatment care plan will then be prepared for you to follow.
Whether it is a regular migraine or cervicogenic headache, we will work closely with you to develop a suitable treatment plan to address your health goals for a beneficial result.
So if you are located in or around Mount Cottrell, feel free to pay us a visit at our practice and book an appointment with our chiropractor for a consultation.